Now might be the time for stories…
How are you? I pray that you and your family are safe, protected, and healthy.
We’re all confined and quarantine to our homes now, and I could only imagine the bombardment of thoughts and feelings that you are going through right now.
You’re probably feeling anxious, fearful, frustrated, and angry right now. I feel the same, and more. I’m feeling so many things all at once, but mostly I feel helpless as I sit and watch the news from the comfort of my home.
So many people out there are losing so much. We all are. And we don’t know when or how this would end.
We could only hope and pray, and try to be good people during bad times.
But sometime during prayer, it hit me:
What we’re going through right now as a nation, as humans, would someday be a part of history. And someday, many years down the line, people are going to want to know what happened to the world, to the different nations, to the different communities.
People are going to want stories.
And while deep in reflection, I asked myself:
What kind of stories am I telling now?
What kind of stories are people going to read from me in the future?
What kind of life am I living now? Is it the kind of life that would inspire others at the moment, and in the future?
Friend, now might be a time for stories.
I’m not saying that you should go and write a book now. What I’m saying is this:
Write your thoughts, your reflections, your fears and your anxieties.
Write about what you did, what you want to do, what you’re doing to help.
Write about what you want to do when all this is over.
Write about your feelings—purely and honestly, without restraint and without judgement.
Write down your prayers, your hopes, your dreams.
Write about anything.
Write about everything.
Just write.

Here are a few reasons why we should write:
1.Writing helps us makes sense of the world.
There’s a lot of things we don’t understand right now. How did this happen? Why is this happening? What’s going to happen?
These are just some of the questions that we’re asking now.
Maybe we’ll find the answers. Maybe we won’t. But as we write, eventually, we’d come to a point of understanding, and hopefully, peace.
2. Writing helps us makes sense of our thoughts and feelings.
We’re bombarded with a lot of thoughts, feelings, and anxieties. We fear for our world, our country, our community, our family, ourselves. A lot of businesses are in peril of shutting down and bankruptcy. A lot of people lost their jobs. How are people going to survive? How are we going to survive this?
There’s a sense of collective fear and panic that’s looming all over us right now, and it’s taking toll on our minds, hearts, and souls.
Writing about our thoughts and feelings would help us acknowledge the mess of thoughts that’s happening in our minds, and hopefully help us come to terms with them.
Try a little bit of free-falling for a few minutes, just to help you dump out all your anxious thoughts and feelings onto paper. It wouldn’t solve anything at the moment, but at the very least, you will be able to bring to light the demons that are plaguing your mind.
It’s easier to slay demons when you know what they are, right where you can see them.
3. Writing helps us calm down and find peace.
The very act of writing helps us purge toxic thoughts and emotions. We won’t be able to calm down right after. The act of writing could be a violent act, especially if you’re writing down negative thoughts and emotions.
This could get very tiring, I’m afraid.
But this could also be cleansing, purifying, and freeing.
The stories that we write today will someday be stories that other people would read in the future.
I’m going to ask you now, dear author friend:
What stories are you writing now?
Write beautiful words,
IMPORTANT P.S. A few months ago, I wrote and published a book called, unwritten: the five reasons why your dream book is still a dream and the five sure-fire steps to help you write and publish it. It’s up on Amazon and I’m giving it away for free from April 2, 2020 (Thursday) at 3PM up to April 6, 2020 (Monday) at 2:59PM.
Save the dates and click on this link to download it free on those dates.
This is something I’ve thought of doing for the writing community. I hope by doing this I could help you write your stories, and one day turn them into a book.
Do you want a sample of it now? It’s an entire part of the book, so I’m sure it’ll help you. Download here to receive an entire section of the book. I’ve gotten feedback that this part alone has helped lots of authors, and I’d love for you to have it! Click on this link to get a copy now.
God bless us all!